PhD in Chinese Medicine Programme
The programme is research oriented. Students may be required to attend and participate in seminars/workshops of the School, as well as those of relevant topics offered by other departments as deemed appropriate by the supervisors. They also have to present seminars summarizing research work performed. A total of at least 36 units with a written thesis are required for graduation. The 36 units should be taken from the following sections:
Units |
Seminars/Special Studies (one unit for each item) |
6 |
Research for Thesis |
30 |
Total | 36 |
Fields of Specialization
Pharmacological, biological, and biochemical properties of Chinese medicines
Evidence based study of Chinese medicine
Clinical and experimental study of Acupuncture
Basic theory & literature research in Chinese medicine
R&D of Chinese medicinal products for health
Phytochemistry & quality control of Chinese medicines
Admission Requirements
In addition to the general requirements of the Graduate School, applicants should have a recognized master's degree in Chinese medicine, biomedical-related or chemical science. Holders of a master's degree in Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Clinical Medicine, Computer Science, Epidemiology, or related fields may also be considered.
For the general qualifications required for admission of the Graduate School, please visit to the following website: https://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/admissions/admissions/requirements.
Tuition Fee (Provisional)
The annual tuition fees for full-time mode are as follows:
Academic Year | Fee |
2025-2026 |
HK$44,500 |
2026-2027 |
HK$47,000 |
2027-2028 |
HK$49,500 |
The tuition fee for part-time mode is calculated on a self-financing basis.
Application Procedures
Online application and application fee submission: https://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/page/ApplicationforAdmission
All the following supporting documents should be submitted before the respective application deadlines. Supporting documents include:
Official transcripts and the Grading Schemes from the universities attended. Photocopies will not be accepted. Applicants should first download the “Transcript Submission Covering Sheet” and send it to their universities to apply for transcripts. Transcripts should be returned directly to us in an officially sealed envelope. For CUHK qualification at undergraduate level or above, a photocopy of transcript is also accepted.
Copy of HKID card or Passport as given in the online application form.
Copies of degree certificates. Applicants who obtained degrees from universities in Mainland China are required to submit a copy of graduate certificate and that of degree certificate.
Copies of certificates of academic/professional qualifications. Applicants who obtained degrees from universities in Mainland China are required to provide a valid Online Verification Report of Higher Education Qualification Certificate (教育部學歷證書電子註冊備案表) and a valid Online Verification Report of Higher Education Degree Certificate (中國高等教育學位在線驗證報告) issued by the CHESICC (學信網), apart from their degree certificate and graduation certificate.
Any one of the following documents for fulfilling the English Language Admissions Requirement:
A copy of graduation certificate issued by a university in Hong Kong; or
An official letter issued by the University to verify that the medium of instruction for the relevant degree obtained is in English; or
A certifying document in one of the following examinations:
Minimum Admission Scores / Grade
Required Certifying Document
550 (Paper-based) /
79 (Internet-based/Home Edition)
Original valid official score report of TOEFL^ (University’s institution code: 0812)/IELTS (Academic)^/GMAT (Verbal)^ sent directly from the test organization to the University
(HKPFS only accepts score report of TOEFL or IELTS (Academic))IELTS (Academic)
6.5 (Test Centre based/Online)
Band 21 (Verbal)
GMAT Focus Edition
Band 78 (Verbal)
Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (AS Level)
Pass Grade in English
Certification of Results of the English Language subject provided by Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
Hong Kong Higher Level Examination
Pass Grade in English
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination
Level 4 or above in the English Language subject
CUHK Matriculation Examination
Pass Grade in English
Certified true copy* of Statement of Results/report of the English Language subject in General Certificate of Education (GCE) A-level or AS-level/CUHK Matriculation Examination
General Certificate of Education Examination (GCE) Advanced Level (A-Level) / Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS-Level)
Pass Grade in English
^TOEFL and IELTS scores are considered valid for two years from the test date. GMAT scores are considered valid for five years from the test date.
*The certified true copy must be issued by the official organization or relevant test organization. The University may require applicants to provide the original documents for verification.
Confidential Recommendations Report. For full-time research doctoral applicants, they are required to invite at least THREE referees to complete the Confidential Recommendations Report. For applicants applying for other postgraduate programmes, the number of referees required is TWO and the same procedures as above apply. Confidential Recommendations Report must be sent by the referees directly in a sealed envelope to our School / must be submitted by the referees via internet.
Application Deadline
Main Round: 1 December
Clearing Round: 31 March
(Applications in Clearing Round will only be considered subject to availability of places.)
Tel: (852) 3943 6360 / 3943 1346
Address: School of Chinese Medicine, Room G08, Lee Wai Chun Building, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong