Dr. Mok Tik Lun

Mok Tik Lun

Resume (Education and Working Experience)


  1. 2017 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2006
  2. 2021 PhD in Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  3. 2022 Professional Diploma in Forensic Psychology , Austin Peay State University
  4. 2022 Certificate in Positive Psychology, Stanford University
  5. 2023 Certificate in Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology, Durham University

Work Experience:

  1. 2017-present, CMP, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Specialty Clinic cum Clinical Teaching and Research Centre
  2. 2021-present, Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Other Experience:

  1. 2018-2019: Committee member, Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association (Commission on Youth)
  2. 2022: Postdoctoral member, Association for Psychological science

Research interests:

  1. Research on TCM classics and medical history literature
  2. Translation in TCM classics
  3. Psychology and Traditional Chinese Medicine
  4. Ancient forensic science

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